“Interview Tracker” is an innovative job interview management app. It offers Google sign-in, a sleek design, and a timeline view of interviews. Enhanced by Getx state management for smooth data flow and Amplitude Analytics to improve functionality based on user activity. Stay ahead in your job search game with this effective tool
I was responsible for implementing the Google sign-in integration which allows users to quickly and easily log into the app.
I designed and built the sleek banner interface, which gives the app a modern and professional feel.
I incorporated the Getx state management system, streamlining the data flow and ensuring a responsive, smooth user experience.
I integrated Amplitude Analytics to track user activity and improve the app’s functionality based on user behavior patterns.
I also maintained the codebase on GitHub, ensuring that the project remained organized, updated and open for collaborations.
Job Application
Add Custom Steps
Pick Status
Self Project
Mobile APP
Flutter, Material UI, Analytics, Crashlytics
“Interview Tracker” is an efficient job interview management app.
It uses Google sign-in for quick and easy user authentication.
The application features a sleek banner design, contributing to a modern and professional user interface.
It allows users to track new interviews and view their status via a convenient timeline preview.
The Getx state management system is used to streamline data flow, resulting in a responsive, smooth user experience.
Amplitude Analytics is integrated into the app to track user activity, which aids in identifying areas of improvement and enhancing the overall functionality of the app.