Amit patil

Giving back to the community

Open Source Contributions


As an active participant in the “Adopt a Widget” program, I made significant contributions to the aspectRatio widget documentation by providing relevant code samples. I also proposed and implemented a feature for the BottomNavigationBar that allows for the color of unselected items to be changed using the `unselectedWidgetColor` property, offering a more intuitive design approach. In addition, I enhanced the showDialog feature with an assertion for non-null builder or child properties, improving error handling. Finally, I contributed to the `circleAvatar` by introducing a fallback mechanism where the `backgroundImage` serves as a fallback for `foregroundImage`. I also added the `onForegroundImageError` property and conducted unit and Golden tests to prevent regression.


  • Participated in “Adopt a Widget” program, contributing to the aspectRatio widget documentation with a specific code sample.
  • Proposed and implemented a feature for BottomNavigationBar, enabling the modification of unselected items using unselectedWidgetColor property for a more intuitive color change strategy.
  • Improved showDialog by introducing assertion for non-null builder or child property, thus enhancing the error handling capabilities.
  • Implemented a fallback mechanism for circleAvatar where backgroundImage property serves as a fallback for foregroundImage. Also added onForegroundImageError property and conducted unit and Golden tests to avoid regression

Adopt a widget

Circle avatar Fall back IMG

PR Merges






SDK Contributoin


Git, Tests, Flutter, Dart, Documnetaion


  • For the aspectRatio widget, the contribution was made under the “Adopt a Widget” program. The contribution included code samples to enhance the documentation.
  • The BottomNavigationBar contribution involved a proposal to use theme.unselectedWidgetColor instead of theme.textTheme.caption.color for changing the color of navigation bar items, providing a more intuitive approach.
  • For the showDialog feature, an assertion was introduced to check for non-null builder or child property, thereby improving error handling and ensuring that either child or builder is not null.
  • The contribution to circleAvatar involved adding a fallback mechanism for foregroundImage using backgroundImage property along with the introduction of onForegroundImageError property. This was accompanied by unit and Golden tests to prevent regression